Blepharoplasty - What is it
When we look at a person, the first thing we notice is their eyes. Any excess of skin or fat or brow- ptosis give a 'tired' look. The eyelids are the first to show signs of aging and fatigue, due to the fineness of the area's skin. Eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) is a broad term for the surgical procedures performed to treat these signs. It is one of the commonest procedures both in male and female in plastic surgery.
- excess, hanging skin of the upper eyelids
- puffiness of the lower eyelids which make you look tired and aged
The operation is performed under local anesthesia and lasts from 60′ (upper OR lower blepharoplasty) up to 120′ (both upper AND lower blepharoplasty). The excess skin and fat are trimmed off and the wound edges are approximated by using very fine sutures, which are removed on the sixth postoperative day.
The recovery period is relatively short, after which the eyes regain a more youthful and relaxed appearance.
Eyelid surgery can:
- eliminate the puffiness and bags of your lower eyelids
- eliminate the hooded skin on your upper lids
- make your eyes look more open and consequently make you appear younger and fresher
For further information on the cost or to book an appointment, contact the doctor.
Blepharoplasty - BEFORE/AFTER PHOTOS